Final Friday / Dragonfly March 31st, 2023
Cincinnati Artist of the Month with Guest Dragonfly.
Debora Dorko – Main Warehouse, Studio 301
Event / Location Info
1310 Pendleton St Cincinnati, OH 45202
With over 200 artists, PAC is the world’s largest collection of artists under one roof. Open to the public during Final Friday, check out pendletonartcenter.com/events for dates and times.
The Pendleton Art Center is open to the public every month on the last Friday (Final Friday) from 5-9 pm. Individual artists are also available by appointment at their discretion. The building has an attendant, elevator operator from 9:00 am til 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Some artists and shops have business hours: Check the individual shops for their hours and availability.
Special Event
The Dragonfly Foundation has a simple mission, to help provide support to pediatric cancer patients and their families.
How did we get here? We were founded in 2010 by Christine Neitzke when her ten-year-old son Matt was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Fortunately, Christine, Jim, Matt, and Sam, who was 12 at the time, had the support of family, friends, and the community. Many other inpatients/families were not as fortunate Stunned at the lack of support many of their peer families fighting cancer had, Christine was moved to create Dragonfly with the intention of providing anything a pediatric cancer family needs and placing the family’s well-being at the center of all that it does. We do everything from care bags and patient gifting upon diagnosis to holiday parties, events, community building, and urgent needs.
Today, Matt is cancer-free, and we have grown to help over 7,000 patients and families.
Parking / Valet
Parking options during Final Friday
**$10 Valet at the entrance
- Across from Braxton Brewing Co.(next to Pendleton Parlor)
Broadway between 12th & 13th - Pendleton Arts District Restaurant Parking
13th St. between Broadway and Sycamore (across from Old SCPA) - Ziegler Garage
Sycamore between 13th & 14th
$5 after 4pm - Corner of Sycamore and 12th(Northside of 12th)
$5 Friday evening - 12th St. between Sycamore and Broadway(Northside of 12th)
$5 after 4pm - 12th between Sycamore and Broadway (Southside of 12th)
Parking Prices subject to change